9,7 MW Wartsila 20V34SG Natural Gas Engines / Wartsila 16V34SG Natural Gas sets / ABB Alternators a

Available for delivery now:
2x 9.730 KW Wartsila 20V34SG Natural Gas Engines and ABB Alternators, Fuel: Natural Gas, 11 KV, 50 HZ, specification attached.
3 x 6.970 KW Wartsila 16V34SG Natural Gas sets / ABB Alternators Fuel: Natural Gas, 11 KV, 50 HZ,
ready for delivery - 6 weeks after the order.
All units overhauled by Wartsila. Warranty 6 months. Possible delivery and commissioning service at final destination.
General specification:
pc 9730 kW Gas Engine Wartsila 20V34SG pc Alternator AVK DIG 167 k/8 set Turbocharger Napier 357 set Generator Set Control System Unic set GRU (Gas Regulating Unit) - 6 bar Gas Input RMG pc CFC_0X1 Generator Set Control Panel Wartsila pc EAM (Engine Auxiliary Module) Wartsila pc Charge Air Filter AAF pc Charge Air Silencer Wartsila set Steel Structure for Charge Air Filter Wartsila pc Exhaust Gas Module Wartsila set Exhaust Gas Stack Pipes Wartsila pc Exhaust Gas Silencer Wartsila pc Exhaust gas Stack Wartsila set Stack Pipe Isolations Wartsila set Piping between GRU and Gas Engine Wartsila set Maintenance Platforms Wartsila pc Expansion Tank Wartsila set Cooling Radiator (6 x 7.5 kW fans per 1 set) Alfa Laval set Steel Structure for Radiators Wartsila set Cooling Radiator Piping Wartsila pc Cooling Radiator Control Panels set MV Cabling between Generator Set - MV Panels set Signal and Control Cables pc Engine Hall Cooling Vents and Control Panels pc NGR (Neutral grounding for generator set) Hilkar pc Oil Mist Separator Wartsila
pc Instrument Air Compressor Gardner Denver pc Starting Air Compressor Sperre pc Starting Air Bottle Uwira pc 24 VDC Panel (BEY 901/902) Efore pc 110 VDC Panel (BEY 903) Efore pc CFA 901 Common Control Panel Wartsila pc WOIS PC Wartsila pc 11 kV Generator Set Panel ABB